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"Winning Communication Skills"

Communication and negotiation techniques for
bringing people and opinions together.

How is your business affected by legal battles, internal power struggles among employees, miscommunication between departments, or angry customers who can destroy your reputation or credibility? How about saving the time, money and headaches of dealing with such issues?

In life and business, there are very few problems that, in some way, cannot be traced back to some form of a communication problem. In her practice as a lawyer and negotiation consultant, Pavla had found that even the most difficult and complex conflicts could be resolved in a relatively simple manner once barriers to communication were overcome. She now brings her expertise and experience in the dynamics of interpersonal communication and conflict resolution to teach an expedient, personally satisfying, effective, and empowering method of resolving and preventing miscommunication issues.

Attendees will learn:

  • how to effectively prepare to communicate, whether it be in the context of a contract negotiation, a job performance evaluation, a meeting with superiors, or any other situation where there are potentially competing views and interests
  • how to understand each party's needs and generate options to satisfy those needs
  • the meaning and myths of power in communication
  • how to give even the most negative feedback so that it has positive consequences
  • how to ask for and receive feedback
  • how to "get out of trouble" without losing face
  • why and how to deal with anger and other emotional situations in communications
  • how to get paid for a contract even when it (or the client) has gone bad
  • the three most powerful communication and negotiation phrases
  • the real reasons for having agreements in writing
CPR Coaching Services - Executive and corporate coaching, corporate consulting on employee motivation, management skills, and conflict resolution.

Success Stories:

Leanne Kozic, A/P Coordinator, Canadian Forest Products, Prince George, BC:
"I'm glad that we were not just told to apologize a hundred times over to fix the problem. The fact that this semiar applies to both my work and personal life is good. Very informative. It all seems like something easy enough to put to action."

Craig Van de Vooren, Schneider Foods, Winnipeg, MB:
"In my work atmosphere, there is a lot of gossip and pettiness, personal conflict; basically just personal issues. This course explained different techniques on dealing with these problems. Excellent seminar. Thank you!




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© 2002 Pavla Michaela Polcarova, CPR Coaching Services, Vancouver, BC, Canada